LGBTQ+ Pod: How DataDome is Rallying Pride in the Workplace

Kira Lempereur

Sr. Technical Writer

What is the LGBTQ+ pod?

As one of DataDome’s seven employee resource groups (ERGs), the LGBTQ+ pod exists to create a special space for those who identify within the LGBTQ+ community and allies alike to gather, share support, and learn about one another. The pod meets several times throughout each quarter to plan initiatives that will help raise awareness and interest in the community. Some initiatives include:

  • Providing educational resources so every BotBuster can learn more about the LGBTQ+ community and why inclusivity is vital.
  • Creating rainbow-themed video call backgrounds and gear to share with the company.
  • Giving back to the community by supporting other non-profit organizations, particularly those focused on LGBTQ+ professionals.
  • Planning and executing pride events in the NYC and Paris offices to gather BotBusters together to celebrate and support the LGBTQ+ community.

I chose to lead this pod for a relatively simple reason: if not me, who? The company is growing, but still pretty small. I wanted to help build this pod from the ground up so that future LGBTQ+ BotBusters will have a space they know is theirs.

Why is the pod important?

In recent years, we've made significant strides in workplace equality. Many companies now actively promote inclusivity and embrace diversity, recognizing the value that LGBTQ+ employees bring to organizations. Progressive policies protect against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, creating more welcoming work environments. As awareness grows, companies are fostering cultures where all employees can thrive, regardless of their identities. It's inspiring to see environments that not only support but celebrate their LGBTQ+ staff, understanding that diverse teams drive innovation and success.

I joined the LGBTQ+ Pod to pledge my commitment and support as an ally. It means the world to me when people can live their authentic lives and feel supported in doing so, especially in the workplace!

—Noelle Conrad, Senior Communications Manager

The pod’s ultimate goal is to build community within the company and the world at large, connecting with other LGBTQ+ organizations to foster as much good change as we can.

Pride-ing Forward 

One of our first tasks was building an LGBTQ+ term dictionary. This internal reference covers the basic terms you might come across in the community, from sexual orientations to gender identities. While there’s always room for differences in interpretation—for instance, the difference between “bisexual” and “pansexual”—the dictionary follows other large queer organizations’ definitions.

Another initiative was building a collection of queer media, from TV shows to books, with good LGBTQ+ representation. This informal collection provides anyone at the company with ideas for what to read or watch next, if they’re looking for representation. We followed this task by adding some non-fiction queer books to the office libraries in NYC and Paris, such as Alphabet Soup: The Essential Guide to LGBTQ2+ Inclusion at Work (by Michael Bach) and The Economic Case for LGBT Equality: WHy Fair and Equal Treatment Benefits Us All (by Add Badgett and M. V. Lee).

At the end of 2023, our final initiative was to research queer non-profit organizations. We donated the remainder of our pod budget to two organizations: Out In Tech in the US, and IGLYO in the EU.

And this year, we’re celebrating Pride with happy hour events in the NYC and Paris offices.

I'd love to see the pod continue to promote visibility and acceptance through educational workshops, community outreach, and allyship programs. Expanding our efforts to include advocacy and partnerships with external organizations would also be a great step forward.

—Benjamin Alliguie, VP of Growth

Inclusivity & Beyond 

We still have half a year left for plenty of more initiatives and positive change in the world, and we intend to use it. The company is growing, and the pods have plenty of space to grow along with it. Alongside the LGBTQ+ pod, our ERGs encompass cultures & ethnicities, health & wellbeing, accessibility, parenting, sustainability, and women empowerment. With over 65% of BotBusters involved in at least one of these pods, our dedication towards inclusivity and #TeamSpirit is clear.

Participating in our pods and leading the LGBTQ+ pod is a highlight of my job at DataDome. I’m grateful for the opportunity to celebrate and promote queerness in our organization. We invite you to learn more about DataDome’s DE&I efforts on our website, and apply to our open opportunities as our team continues to expand globally.

As we continue to collaborate as a team, I hope we can amplify our voices, challenge boundaries, and create a legacy of understanding that ripples far beyond DataDome. Personally, I am proud to see the significant milestones we have achieved as a pod and as a company in creating a safe and supporting environment for all.

—Laurette Charlier, VP of People