The Power of Global Perspectives: DataDome Sales Team

Learn how DataDome's global sales team invites new perspectives to solve sales challenges, helping customers rid the internet of fraudulent traffic.

Thomas Lesachey

VP of Sales

As the VP of Sales, I’ve witnessed firsthand the tremendous growth the global sales team has experienced. I joined the team three and a half years ago as the first sales leader of the original team of four, which has now expanded to more than 25 people globally. For 2023, the sales team’s priorities are:

  • Hiring great people—it all starts with this!
  • Sales enablement—empowering our people to grow.
  • Scaling sales processes—ensuring consistency throughout the team.

Today, we gather at company-wide offsites, team dinners, and quarterly workshops, all of which ensure that we remain perfectly aligned on our vision and focused on our goals. From the beginning, we recognized the importance of gathering in-person (even more so as a distributed company) to create and strengthen bonds between colleagues. Sales is a human job—we are the face of the company, and I want to see those faces!

Every quarter, the sales team sits down together to:

  • Celebrate and highlight wins.
  • Identify areas of improvement from the previous quarter.
  • Reflect on progress the team has made.
  • Discuss progress left to be made on ongoing projects.

Because the members of the team are the ones navigating through day-to-day challenges and wins, it’s important to gather their feedback. Although not every day is a victory for a sales professional, establishing an open floor for multiple voices to be heard gives an opportunity to share knowledge, lean on each other, align on the vision, and execute. When we gather, the energy in the room is tangible, and it’s something each team member looks forward to experiencing.

Sales enablement is key in our team’s professional development, for both new joiners and tenured employees. Gathering in-person naturally aids in identifying what works and what doesn’t, redefining focus and objectives, and most importantly, doing so as a team. We invest in our people. As a leader, it is important to help everyone grow and become the best versions of themselves.

Fulfilling New Joiners

Danielle Donnelly joined DataDome in May 2023 as an enterprise business development representative. The next month, she was able to connect with BotBusters in-person during DataDome’s summer offsite in Barcelona. Talk about a fulfilling onboarding experience! We often hear DataDome’s product and culture attract new joiners, and this rang true for Danielle.

I’m fascinated by the world of cybersecurity, keeping up to date with relevant industry podcasts and news publications in my personal time. I love the purpose of DataDome’s products. I feel genuinely motivated to get up and educate people about it, which is most important for a salesperson.

–Danielle Donnelly, Enterprise Business Development Representative

When asked about the EMEA Q2 meetup, Danielle noted the immeasurable benefits to gathering in the same physical area. BotBusters from solutions engineering, business operations, and legal teams joined the sales team, because each deal is a total team effort. This added additional layers of knowledge, ensuring comfort in presenting to clients and logical understanding. Danielle walked away from that meetup with more insight and a deeper understanding of our product, how we process the signals we receive from our clients to assess whether a request is legitimate or fraudulent, and the mentality of account executives and solution engineers while approaching their deals.

It was fantastic. I was able to hear Thomas, VP of Sales, and Fabien, Head of Sales EMEA, ask direct questions while AEs [account executives] presented, which showed me what is most important to them. I find it all very interesting.

–Danielle Donnelly, Enterprise Business Development Representative

The meetup was rooted in genuine human interaction, holding space for brainstorming and feedback sessions. We reviewed metrics, forecasted pipeline strategy, and discussed ideas from all levels of expertise. We also had other teams—such as marketing, product, and legal—present their big ongoing projects, which helps a lot in aligning with them and better understanding their focuses.

Sustainable Hypergrowth in Hiring

DataDome continues to prioritize sustainable hypergrowth in various ways, one being strategic and intentional hiring. If you’ve kept up to date with our open positions, you’ll see we are searching for multiple enterprise business development representatives supporting the US, EMEA, and APAC. Due to impeccable collaboration across various teams, vast understanding of the market and its needs, and our customer centric mindset, DataDome’s continued focus in these regions is proving successful.

Shereene Mou Tham, Business Development Manager, leads the EMEA BDR team. She emphasized management’s primary focus is on adding valuable resources—including efficient onboarding, enablement, and messaging assets via our internal learning management system—to set the business development team up for success. The team continues to break records quarter after quarter. It goes without saying it is an exciting time to join this ambitious group!

Thanks to extensive R&D focus and strong drive to put customers’ interests at the heart of DataDome’s service, our product has naturally evolved toward enterprise-level standards. This results in our focus on hiring BDRs dedicated to enterprise accounts.

–Shereene Mou Tham, Business Development Manager

Interested in joining our team?

If you are interested in helping DataDome in our mission to rid the web of fraudulent traffic, we encourage you to check out our open positions. You can also submit your resume through a spontaneous application and the talent acquisition team will connect with you to establish a relationship.